My body in Persistent Vegetative State…

FOR SALE/BARTER: My body in Persistent Vegetative State… Dear loved-ones, I make the following statement in a sound state of mind and of my own volition: If I am rendered comatose and determined to be in a persistent vegetative state (PVS) for a period longer than one month and if no imminent cure is forthcoming, …

clean cars on the way?

Salon notes how the automakers have backed themselves in to a corner: With this agreement, the automakers unilaterally disarm from their long-standing position that they cannot make clean cars. In fact, they have sued to overturn the California Clean Car Law which is the basis for Canada’s action. The auto companies are now in the …

law professors say the darndest things

it’s like profquotes, only for law school: Student: I knew where the line is, so maybe I tell my client to commit perjury… Professor: There is an argument that professional responsibility should be taught in the first year, but that argument has not yet prevailed at the law school, but consider yourself Exhibit 1 at …