logic puzzle

Conrad, Charles, and Eugene live next door to each other. One is an engineer, one is a teacher, and one is a lawyer. Determine each person’s occupation based on these 3 clues:

1. Charles lives in the middle apartment.
2. When Eugene goes away, his dog is fed by the teacher.
3. The engineer knocks on Conrad’s wall when his stereo is too loud.

student docked marks for using Sun

The Sun won’t shine at a private Catholic school in King City, Ontario, where a Grade 10 student was docked 22% off her history assignment for using clippings from this newspaper — deemed “non-reputable” by her teacher. Jessica Bolzicco, 16, an honour roll student with an 87% grade average at St. Thomas of Villanova College, said her teacher cut the grade on her current affairs assignment from an 87% to a 65% because she used the Toronto Sun as her source. Students were asked to bring in three clippings from “newspapers of repute.”

Luciano said the teacher told him the University of Toronto forbids its students from using Sun as a source. A university spokesman denied this.

“I thought education was about the exchange of ideas, but what do I know — I only have a PhD.”