so some guy got people to donate money so he could buy a G5 and blew up his G4. too funny.
ISO 3103
ISO 3103, the international standard for brewing tea.
Canadian University Lightbulb Jokes
Using CURL in PHP
In Python, to read a URL, I do the following:
import urllib data = urllib.urlopen('').read()
PHP links against cURL, which lets you accomplish the same thing … in five lines of code.
If this is something you plan to do more than, say, once, you’ll want an easier way of doing this. Here’s the function I use:
function readUrl($url) { $curlHandle = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec($curlHandle); if (!$data) { print curl_errno($curlHandle) . " " . curl_error($curlHandle); curl_close($curlHandle); return false; } curl_close($curlHandle); return $data; }
(keywords: curl php wrapper example)
congrats Mark and Catie!
Mark Erelli and Catie Curtis just won the grand prize in the International Songwriting Competition.
Their song, “People Look Around,” is a stark, honest portrait of the United States and a cry for humanity — for us to be more human:
Mississippi River divides this land in two,
Like the way we tend to think of things;
Black and white, red and blue.
If they can keep us fighting about marriage and God,
There’ll be no one left to notice if the leaders do their jobs.
the importance of net neutrality
the execs at the telcos (perhaps the same people whose secretaries print their emails — who knows) have this great idea to make money off the internet: meter everything.
their argument is that google is getting a “free ride” on their network. well, no, they aren’t. they are paying for bandwidth at their end, and you, the end user, are paying on your end as well.
that’s like at&t saying they should get 5% of the profits of every telemarketing call. sigh.
for a great overview of this, listen to Burnie Burns’s SXSW keynote and read Brad Templeton’s essay. (Scot Hacker has notes from Burnie’s talk.)
technical confidence
Sally Carson, a designer I met at SXSW, put together a thoughtful examination of what happens when people are intimidated by technology:
I think that instilling confidence into our audience — whether on the web or on an electronic device — is an important component of good interface design. Something about Phil’s phone intimidates him, and eventhough he is embarrassed when his phone rings so loudly (keep in mind, embarrassment is a strong motivational tool) he doesn’t even attempt to change the settings himself because he is sure he won’t be able to figure it out.
intedisciplinary grad programs
A lot of the smart, interesting people I’ve met lately have come frm Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU and the School of Information at UC Berkeley.
What other interesting information- and design-focused grad schools are out there?
Update: Symbolic Systems at Stanford.
free music from verve
I found a card at SXSW for a free music sampler from Verve. They want you to go to, then register, thenenter in the “download code” of vforecastsxsw.
The music sampler (Jamie Cullum, Brazilian Girls, Jackie Greene, Rhett Miller, Susan Tedeschi, Teddy Thompson) comes in four formats, all of which are annoying:
The QuickTime files are .mov files with an embedded AAC track. However, QuickTime won’t let me extract the track cleanly — I can only export as AIFF, AU (why?) and WAVE.
Glenn Anderson has some handy QuickTime Exporters, including one that will save it as AAC (after downsampling from 256 to 128).
Anyone have any better solutions?
Better Google Finance URLs
It would be nice if Google Finance allowed you to use easy-to-type URLs, i.e.
Which could redirect you here:
Perhaps something like:
RedirectMatch /([a-z]{4})$1