TSA news roundup from Bruce Schneier

Bruce has done a fantastic job summarizing the backlash to the TSA’s plan to take naked pictures of and/or molest you as a precondition of boarding an airplane:

There’s humour, outrage, and just a wee bit o’ corruption:

Michael Chertoff, former Department of Homeland Security secretary, has been touting the full-body scanners, while at the same time maintaining a financial interest in the company that makes them.

Using Google refine to produce a list of Ontario’s private schools

Last week, I excitedly read the announcement and watched the screencasts of Google Refine 2.0.

Today, I used it to transform this hot mess of HTML:

Into this structured data goodness:

Continue reading “Using Google refine to produce a list of Ontario’s private schools”

What to do with $11M

Give it away:

They took care of family first and then began delivering donations to the two pages’ worth of groups they had decided on, including the local fire department, churches, cemeteries, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, hospitals in Truro and Halifax, where Violet underwent her cancer treatment, and organizations that fight cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. The list goes on and on.