HOWTO set up IMAP email for Yahoo

A few weeks ago, I was helping my cousins set up their new iMac. Once everything was up and running, she inquired about adding their Yahoo account to Mail. The conventional wisdom says you can’t do this. Yahoo charges for POP access. IMAP? Unavailable.

But then she hands me her new iPod touch…with her Yahoo mail account working just fine. It must get the mail somehow. And it’s highly unlikely Apple wrote some sort of custom HTTP-Mail transport just for them.

You can have IMAP access to your Yahoo Mail account. For free. Here’s how.

Cutting to the chase

IMAP server: (username = Yahoo ID)
SMTP server: (username = [email protected])
SSL enabled. Authentication = password.

Step-by-step guide to configuring Mac OS X Mail for Yahoo

  1. Go to Mail > Preferences…
  2. Click Accounts (toolbar)
  3. Click + (lower left)
  4. You’ll see the first pane of the wizard. Enter your email address and password. Then click Continue.
  5. Mail recognizes this as a Yahoo account. But you’re not a paying Yahoo Mail Plus customer, and don’t have access to the POP server. Don’t worry. That’s okay. Click Continue anyway.
  6. On the next screen, select IMAP from the popup and enter as the server name.

    Note: most of the instructions on the internet tell you to enter While this also works, you’ll get an SSL error:

    since Yahoo’s wildcard certificate is for * If you do this, you have to click Show Certificate, check the “Always trust…” checkbox, click connect and enter your Mac OS username and password.

    Why bother?

  7. Next, enter as your SMTP server. Enter your username (full yahoo email address) and password and click Continue:
  8. The good news: Mail has recognized this as not just an IMAP account, but a Yahoo IMAP account.

    The bad news: it thinks it’s a POP account, and has set the port to 995.

    Change the port to 993.

  9. Finally, we need to set up the Junk mail folder. Click the Mailbox Behaviors tab. Besides Junk, check “Store Junk messages on the server.”

    Then, close the preferences window. When prompted, click Save.

  10. Now, put your feet up. Depending on the amount of email you have, it could take an hour or more to download it all. Yeah, you whose friends email them photos instead of posting them to Flickr. That’s right. You.

    Once that’s done, you need to identify four mailboxes as special: Draft(s), Trash, Sent and Bulk Mail (Junk).

    Select the Draft folder. Then select Mailbox > Use This Mailbox For > Drafts:

    Select the Trash folder. Then select Mailbox > Use This Mailbox For > Trash:

    Repeat for Sent and Bulk Mail.

HOWTO setup multistage deployment with Capistrano

These instructions are outdated. They were written for Capistrano 2.x. As of March 2016, Capistrano 3.x is current.

When I wrote about deploying PHP sites with Capistrano, step 6 was a bit of a throwaway — hey, here's a quick hack for handling multistage deployment. I'd been using variants of that technique for quite some time but figured there must be a better way. There is: Capistrano multistage. There is even documentation for this. But it misses a few steps.

How to setup multistage deployment with Capistrano

  1. Install capistrano and capistrano multistage
  2. Capify your project
  3. Set up the deploy/ directory
  4. Create the deployment recipes

In my Rails-based example, we'll have two stages: staging and production. You can name your stages whatever you want. However, don’t name one of your stages stage — that's a reserved word. Call it staging.

Install capistrano and capistrano multistage

gem install capistrano
gem install capistrano-ext

Capify your project

capify .

Set up the deploy directory

mkdir config/deploy
touch config/deploy/staging.rb
touch config/deploy/production.rb

Create the deployment recipes

You’re going to edit three files: deploy.rb, staging.rb and production.rb:


set :stages, %w(staging production) set :default_stage, "production" require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
default_run_options[:pty] = true
set :application, "myproject" set :use_sudo, false set :keep_releases, 5
set :repository, "https://somewhere/svn/myproject/trunk" set :scm, :subversion set :scm_username, "me" set :deploy_via, :export
# this is useful in a shared hosting environment, where you have your own JAVA_HOME or GEM_HOME. # otherwise, just set RAILS_ENV set(:rake) { "JAVA_HOME=#{java_home} GEM_HOME=#{gem_home} RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} /usr/bin/env rake" }
# since :domain is defined in another file (staging.rb and production.rb), # we need to delay its assignment until they're loaded set(:domain) { "#{domain}" } role(:web) { domain } role(:app) { domain } role(:db, :primary => true) { domain }
namespace :deploy do task :start do ; end task :stop do ; end task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "#{try_sudo} touch #{File.join(current_path,'tmp','restart.txt')}" end end
# for some reason, this isn't enabled by default after "deploy:update", "deploy:cleanup"
# here is an example task which uses rake, as defined above after "deploy:migrate", "load_sample_fixtures" desc "load sample fixtures" task :load_sample_fixtures do run "cd #{current_release}; FIXTURES=samples #{rake} db:fixtures:load" end


set :deploy_to, "/path/to/#{application}-stage" # My Rails app uses RJB, so it needs to know where Java lives set :java_home, "/path/to/java-6-openjdk" set :domain, "" set :user, "paul" set :rails_env, "staging" # I am root on my staging server and have all the right gems installed # so I don't need GEM_HOME to be overridden set :gem_home, nil


set :deploy_to, "/home/myuser/#{application}" set :java_home, "/home/myuser/sw/jdk" set :domain, "" set :user, "myuser" set :rails_env, "production" set :gem_home, "/home/myuser/ruby/gems/"
# in a shared hosting environment, you often need to specify your own passenger configuration desc "copy the .htaccess file (passenger configuration); setup_load_paths.rb (sets GEM_HOME)" namespace :deploy do task :copy_htaccess do run "cp #{current_release}/config/htaccess_production #{current_release}/public/.htaccess" run "mv #{current_release}/config/production_setup_load_paths.rb #{current_release}/config/setup_load_paths.rb" end end
after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:copy_htaccess"

Now, you’re set. You can deploy with cap deploy (for the default stage, production), or cap staging deploy. TextMate's Capistrano plugin handles this gracefully, presenting you with a dialog listing the available stages.

How to display tweets on a WordPress page

There are a lot of ways to display your tweets on your blog. Many are complicated and ugly. Sometimes, you hit Twitter’s API rate limit. Most require the client to perform additional work. I made a very simple WordPress plugin to handle this.

All you do is stick [get_latest_tweets username="me"] where you want the tweets to go. You can optionally supply a count=X parameter to display more or fewer tweets.

JSON is cached, preventing the Twitter server from being hit more than twice in one minute.

You get markup like this, which you can style as you please:

<ul class='tweets'>
<li>@<a class='atreply' href=''>jane</a> Please dance a jig. <span class='date'><a href=''>3 hours ago</a></span></li>
<li>Anyone used TotalFinder? <a href=''></a> Saw it on @<a class='atreply' href=''>bob</a>'s machine and am intrigued. <span class='date'><a href=''>6 hours ago</a></span></li>

Grab the plugin from GitHub or the WordPress plugin directory.

Fixing iChat Google Talk login failures

I was helping a friend set up her new iBook MacBook yesterday, and we were unable to get iChat to log in to her Google Talk account.

We kept seeing this error:

iChat can’t log in to because your login ID or password is incorrect.

And this XMPP error was logged to Console:

iChatAgent[33567] [Warning] JConnection: Error: Error Domain=XMPPErrorDomain Code=10 “The operation couldn’t be completed. (XMPPErrorDomain error 10.)”

When we tried the same username and password on in Safari, it worked. It also worked logging in to Google Talk using Adium.

So what’s going on? Well, my Google Account is [email protected]. Most people know Google also accepts emails sent to [email protected]. What I didn’t know is that you can also use paul.schreiber as a username. Most of the time.

Let me explain with a chart:

username iChat Adium
paulschreiber YES YES YES
paul.schreiber YES NO YES

The problem was the dot. Once we removed it, we could log in successfully.

I assume the same thing happens if your actual username has a dot and you remove it.

Filed with Apple as Radar 8978731.

How to display the latest blog post on a WordPress page

There are a lot of ways to display the latest blog post. They’re all complicated and ugly. I made a very simple WordPress plugin to handle this. It has no settings or options.

All you do is stick [get_latest_post] where you want the post to go.

You get markup like this, which you can style as you please:

<div class='latest-post'>
<p class='title'><a href=''>Look ma, no hands!</a></p>
<p class='excerpt'>Today I rode a bicycle &hellip; <a href="">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span></a></p>

Grab the plugin from GitHub or the WordPress plugin directory.

Dear Adobe: please don’t crash while logging

I recently upgraded my copy of Creative Suite to CS5. When you install CS5 Design Premium, you don’t just get Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and the like. You also get a ton of other bits, like Adobe Help (despite the existence of a built-in Help Viewer), Adobe Application Manager and CS5ServiceManager.

Many of these strike me as unnecessary. But they’re also poorly written. Background processes like this shouldn’t crash. And they’re really shouldn’t crash writing log files.

Here’s the first of two crashes in six hours:

Process: CS5ServiceManager [9272]
Path: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS5ServiceManager/
Identifier: com.adobe.csi.CS5ServiceManager
Version: ??? (
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]

Date/Time: 2011-02-01 20:19:32.291 -0500
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.6 (10J567)
Report Version: 6

Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 5


Thread 5 Crashed:
0 ??? 0000000000 0 + 0
1 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x9783fd7a d_name + 164
2 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x9783f3f4 d_type + 657
3 libstdc++.6.dylib 0x97843189 d_demangle + 747
4 ...adobe.csi.CS5ServiceManager 0x00021094 vcfoundation::impl::UTF8Builder::Append(vcfoundation::data::IVCString*, vcfoundation::util::VCRange) + 174
5 ...adobe.csi.CS5ServiceManager 0x00014d92 vcfoundation::util::BackTrace::Describe(vcfoundation::data::IVCStringAppender&) + 34
6 ...adobe.csi.CS5ServiceManager 0x00021e09 vcfoundation::data::IVCStringAppender::AppendFormat(char const*, char*) + 143
7 ...adobe.csi.CS5ServiceManager 0x00021e5e vcfoundation::data::IVCStringAppender::AppendFormat(char const*, ...) + 34
8 ...adobe.csi.CS5ServiceManager 0x00014c90 vcfoundation::util::StdStreamLog::Log(vcfoundation::util::IVCLog::Level, char const*, char*) + 452
9 libSystem.B.dylib 0x937d4be8 free + 244

Examining the crashed thread, we can make a few observations:

  • Adobe seems to have invented their own string-handling library
  • Appending strings can cause a crash
  • Adobe is using C++
  • This crash happening logging
  • This crash happening … writing a crash report?

The only way I’ve crashed a log call is with a format string error. And format string problems? They’re often security holes. Can anyone tell if this might be exploitable?

And did they really invent their own crash reporter? And is that what’s crashing?

Dear Adobe: the wheel is already round. If you’re going to litter my computer with crap, it better be rock solid.