no-fly chimpanzees etc.

Jesse points out another example of stupid security. Manitoba MP Pat Martin is being held up at airports: Pat Martin says he’s “getting fed up” with the screening procedures that have prompted frustrating ticket-counter delays with Air Canada on two occasions. “I can assure you I’m not a security risk, but I am about to …

scott mcclelland gets grilled

from the July 11 White House Press Briefing: QUESTION: Does the president stand by his pledge to fire anyone involved in a leak of the name of a CIA operative? MCCLELLAN: I appreciate your question. I think your question is being asked related to some reports that are in reference to an ongoing criminal investigation. …

why i no longer use LSD

More on breathalyzers: Oh God, I’m loving this. His fingerprints (and Cheney’s) are all over 911, the Downing Street Memo is clear evidence for impeachment, he’s getting his ditch ploughed by gay leather stud James “Bulldog” Guckert in the White House, and now a pack of drunk drivers might be on the brink of voiding …

canadians in the us

Canadian ambassador to the United States Frank McKenna writes: Many Canadians here have talked to me about the importance of being connected as a group across the United States and have told me that in their interactions with Americans they would like to have facts at their disposal about what Canada has done in the …