ui designers at large

From Membranophonist: a good fix for the iTunes CDDB dialog he then points out a vestigial modal dialog indicating something was succesfull. Lots of other good stuff there too. Next, ThinkMac rethinks the spotlight window. Their design is lacking a few things, like an “all” button. I’m not convinced. In a satire of iTunes 5, …

great mac os x software

Over the past couple of years, many of my friends have started using a Mac. I often find I’m recommending software to them. Sometimes it’s because they ask; sometimes it’s because I’m so enthusiastic about a program I just have to tell them. The single most indispensible utility for me is LaunchBar. I use it …

iTunes 5 from the perspective of anthropomorphized brushed metal

Daring Fireball: The iTunes 5 Announcement From the Perspective of an Anthropomorphized Brushed Metal User Interface Theme: Brushed Metal: I’m the bad-ass theme. I’m the one who flouts the Human Interface Guidelines. Mike: This guy trashes the HIG the way Johnny Depp trashes a hotel room. He even sports a custom radius on his window …

What’s wrong with my printer?

What’s wrong with my printer? Originally uploaded by shrub. My Canon i950 has started printing horizontal bands across everything but yellow and black. Any idea what’s wrong or how to fix it? I spent some time on the phone with Canon tech support, and changing the paper type to photo paper and the document type …