when your warranty expires

Ssomeone called me last week and asked what do about his 16-month-old monitor that had just died. He had already shown it to a dealer, and the dealer told him there would be a $500 minimum charge. Since monitors aren’t something you can easily troubleshoot or repair, i started think about ways to avoid paying …

riaa sued dead woman

while the RIAA is pondering their RICO defense, i’d like to note they sued a dead woman a few months back: The Associated Press reported that the RIAA identified Gertrude Walton as a prolific file sharer known as “smittenedkitten”. Accusing her of illegally trading music over the internet, the lawsuit was apparently filed more than …

RIAA countersued

Tanya Andersen, a 41 year old disabled single mother living in Oregon, has countersued the RIAA for Oregon RICO violations, fraud, invasion of privacy, abuse of process, electronic trespass, violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, negligent misrepresentation, the tort of “outrage”, and deceptive business practices: 11. Settlement Support Center also falsely claimed that …

copyright infringement vs shoplifting

I wrote this as response to a comment on Lindi’s blog about “copywrite infringement” and thought I would share it. First, a pet peeve. It’s copyright infringement. It refers to the right — a bunch of rights, really — the rights to translate, reproduce, publicly perform, adapt (create a derivative work), be identified as the …