Breitbart attempts to manufacture another race controversy

Noted scumbag Andrew Breitbart is stirring the pot again. He posted an article, “Obama: Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home,” where he placed a selectively edited video Obama’s Philadelphia speech. Breitbart only shows this much:

They’re counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home.

But what did Obama say? This:

See, what the other side is counting on, what they’re counting on is you’re going to stay home. They’re counting on your silence. They’re counting on your amnesia. They’re counting on your apathy. They’re counting on young people staying home and union members staying home and black folks staying home and middle-class families staying home. They’re counting on the fact that they made the argument so ugly in Washington that you just completely turned off and you’re not going to vote for anybody. And if that happens, they win.

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