heather combs kicks ass

heather combs had a gig at the hotel saturday night. they were impressed:

Somewhere between the new songs and the old favorites she was strumming so strong that the G string went flying. Noticing that, the crowd came alive encouragingly clapping to the conclusion of the song. Then, to the amazement of everyone, in one motion she reached into her guitar case and pulled out a pack of strings opening it with her teeth while removing the broken string with her hands. In the next instant she plucked on the E string a couple of times then broke into the John Prine classic “Angel from Mongtomery” a capella, singing two of the three verses while simultaneously stringing up the guitar and tuning it. All this, without skipping a beat! The guy sitting next to me, a regular at this popular club, said, “Not that’s somethin’ I’ve never seen before.”

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  1. nothing new there! if you have seen Heather….thats standard professionalism for her!! I’ve seen her kick ass by doing a 4 hour show non stop….even her band had to take breaks! her hand was bleeding by the end, but her adrenaline was still kicking….if the bar wasnt closing she would have kept going!!!
    if you have never seen her live….GO!!! what are you waiting for???
    2 years in a row, SF best local band has to tell you something!!!!!!

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