Cosmo’s power pancakes, metric edition

I’m a huge fan of Carla Lalli’s Music’s pancakes (aka Bin It to Win It Pancakes aka Cosmo’s Power Pancakes). We make them a bunch, and have fed them to appreciative family and friends.

Carla initially shared the recipe in a Bon Appetit video from April 2017. The recipe was approcumented by a sketchy recipe blogger and a revised version was printed in Where Cooking Begins.

There’s only one problem with this recipe: it calls for 1.5 cups of buttermilk, and buttermilk comes in quarts. Rather than have the buttermilk go to waste, we, of course … make more pancakes.

Unfortunately, the combination of legacy heirloom units and odd fractions leads to some weird quantities, like ⅓ x 2 ⅔ = ⁸⁄₉ = 0.88578 cups of coconut oil.

Being both Canadian and someone who is used to weight-based baking recipes, I knew there was a better way.

With the help of the King Arthur Ingredient weight chart and my handy scale, I converted the recipe to metric and multiplied by 2.66.

I present you with an easy way to use your scale and a whole quart of buttermilk to make a lot of pancakes. (They freeze well.)

IngredientUnofficialVideoMetricMultiplied outWhere Cooking BeginsMetricMultiplied out
Coconut oil0.33 cup0.25 cup79ml210 ml2 tbsp butter28g113g
Oats0.33 cup?30g80g0.33 cup30g80g
Buttermilk1.5 cups?354 ml945 ml 1.5 cups354 ml945 ml
AP Flour1 cup1 cup120g320g0.75 cup90g240g
WW Flour0.5 cups0.5 cups57g150g0.75 cup85g225g
Baking powder1.5 tsp1.5 tsp6g16g1 tsp4g11g
Baking soda0.5 tsp0.5 tsp3g8g1 tsp6g16g
Salt0.5 tsp?1g4g0.5 tsp1g4g
Sugar1 tbspLittle bit12g33g1 tbsp12g33g
Flax0.25 cup?35g93g2 tbsp17g47g
Chia0.25 cup?61g162g0.33 cup81g216g


Tools needed

  • Medium and large bowls
  • Scale
  • Whisk, spatula, scoop
  • Skillet or griddle
  • Microwave- or oven-safe measure to melt coconut oil


  • Measure and melt the 210ml coconut oil
  • Heat a skillet on medium heat and grease with additional coconut oil

In a medium bowl

  • Soak the oats in buttermilk

In a large bowl

  • Combine the dry ingredients: mix all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, flax and chia

In the medium bowl

  • Add eggs and melted coconut oil (to buttermilk and oats)
  • Whisk together

Combine everything

  • Pour the wet ingredients in to the large bowl
  • Stir with spatula to combine


  • Cooking time is approximately 90 seconds per side, depending on the size of the pancake. Adjust your cooktop temperature if they’re cooking too slow or too fast.


  • Salt is based on Diamond Crystal kosher salt. If you’re using Morton’s kosher salt, double the amount of salt provided.
  • For additional background, see Carla’s recipe notes and the buttermilk pancake recipe she used as a starting point.

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