simple gethostbyname example

Here’s a simple example using gethostbyname() that emulates the host command. I wrote it to debug a DNS problem. On the network I’m on right now, gethostbyname() returns a different answer than host and dig. It is overaggressively caching other hostnames. i.e. nsloookup is returning, which is (!). #include <netdb.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h> …

The Real Reasons You’re Working So Hard…

Business Week writes about The Real Reasons You’re Working So Hard…. I’m not sure they gave an answer, but I wanted to highlight this: That helps explain why time pressures seem to be getting worse. Globalization and the Internet create great new opportunities, but they also ratchet up the intensity of competition and generate more …

malcolm gladwell explains college admissions

Like Malcolm, I, too, went to university in Ontario. I, too, filled out the tanking sheet. He describes my school and program kindly: There were several good ones and several better ones and a number of programs—like computer science at the University of Waterloo—that were world-class. And I, too, find the US school admissions process …

notes from the scopes monkey trial

I really hope no one can take this guy seriously: Astrology would be considered a scientific theory if judged by the same criteria used by a well-known advocate of Intelligent Design to justify his claim that ID is science, a landmark US trial heard on Tuesday. Under cross examination, ID proponent Michael Behe, a biochemist …