(pagerank whoring, feel free to help)
angela smith
angela smith
angela smith-johnson
angela n. smith
(pagerank whoring, feel free to help)
angela smith
angela smith
angela smith-johnson
angela n. smith
And what about my SO’s PC woes? Well, after her Vaio was so violently debilitated, and after being told by various experts that it would require nothing short of a complete (and very expensive) Windows system debugging and OS reinstall followed by a mandatory soak of the machine in a tub of bleach and then spraying it with a thick coat of road tar as she waved a burning effigy of Steve Ballmer over it while chanting the text of the Official Microsoft ‘Screw You Sucker’ Windows Troubleshooting Guide, she promptly dumped the useless hunk of sad landfill and bought herself a beautiful new iBook.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a nutbar.
Ann Coulter: still dumb. Thanks, CBC!
for a good time, call 1-800-TAX-CHAT.
Things Bush will or won’t do in term 2:
I resent being called conservative or liberal because these terms are nearly synonymous with Republican and Democrat, political parties which have at least this much in common: lack of vision, lack of character, and lack of leadership. By “vision” I mean a plan or strategy that is more than knee-jerk reactions to current events; by “character” I mean being beholden to a principle more than money; and by “leadership” I mean the ability to rise above partisanship to unite people.
A PSA: How to stop getting junk: