Why am I getting recruited to be a physical therapist?
From: tgreene@rcirs.com
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 12:32:21 -0400
Subject: Nationwide Physical Therapist Search
Reply-To: tgreene@rcirs.com
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Sender: tgreene@rcirs.comHello!
My name is Tonya Greene and I am currently conducting a nationwide search for Physical Therapist. RCI is not a travel staffing agency. We have been retained by this healthcare facility to assist them in locating qualified candidates for their permanent job opportunities.
I have current open PT positionis the below areas:
Easton MD
Toledo, OH, Charleston, SC
Park Falls WI
Winona MN
Renselleur, IN
Kingsville, TX
San Antonio, TX
Savannah, GA
Bronxville, NYI found your contact information and hoped we could set up an appointment to speak about your future career plans.
Please contact me right away by calling me at 404-963-1703 or reply to this email with your resume and the best time for me to call you!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Sincerely,Tonya Greene
RCI Recruitment Solutions550 Heritage Drive Suite 200
Jupiter, Florida 33458
Main 404-963-1703
eFax 866-723-1164