Here’s a simple AppleScript that exports all of the email addresses in your Mac OS X address book as a comma-separated list:
tell application “Address Book”
set emailList to {}
set peopleCount to (count every person)
repeat with i from 1 to peopleCount
set emailList to emailList & (get value of every email of person i)
end repeat
set outputFileName to choose file name with prompt “Save address book as text:” default name “addressbook.txt”
set outputFile to open for access outputFileName with write permission
repeat with e in emailList
write e & “, ” to outputFile
end repeat
close access outputFile
end tell
Thanks, not much on the web about scripting address book
I posted a short script that resets the notes field based on your script. Check it out:
Hi Paul,
I wonder if you could help? I have just imported an few hundred contacts from an Outlook export into an existing Address Book. Address Book generally did a good job of merging the content but for some reason it hasn’t managed to match up “EmailAddress:” with an email field in Address Book. So instead it has put it into the Notes field like this:
EmailAddress: [email protected]
Could you help me with writing a script that will look through all contacts and where “EmailAddress: [email protected]” appears, the script re-writes the address into an email field in the contact?
Any suggestions of how I might achieve this would be very welcome.
Many thanks,